Wednesday 9 September 2009

Plenty of Time for Spanking

My brother is going back to Arizona. It will be so weird not having anyone else in the house. I mean, I have the dogs to keep me company but….

Thursday he heads back home. We won’t see each other till Thanksgiving, which sucks but that’s life.

Did I mention [no I didn't] he’s been working on his relationship issues and they are back together now. His fiancee has agreed to have the baby. She was just scared to raise it alone since he was thinking of reentering the Army. He’s headed back to Arizona because two great law enforcement job offers just came his way. I’m praying he gets one of them so that he can feel good about himself again.

All of these changes mean ONE thing: There’s now PLENTY of time for spanking. Sir has agreed to continue to discipline me. Even though I’m not moving in with him, because of my dogs, he’s agreed to help me stay on track.

I’m not Catholic but I feel like I’ve been to Confession. This morning I wrote Sir a long email detailing where I know I’ve screwed up…[I write Sir quite often] Of course, later when I’m being punished for the “sins”  that I’ve revealed, I wonder what makes me so “loose lipped”.

Friday is the day: No more postponements, no more lame excuses, no more talking myself out of it. Friday is the day I will have to face my Disciplinarian whether I like it or not. Waiting for Friday to arrive feels like being sent up to my room to wait for Dad to come home from work and “deal with me”. Your father will deal with you later, young lady!

While I do like spanking and rarely “need” a reason to be spanked hard, punishment spankings SUCK! I can take a two hour long spanking. I can take a 30 minute intense spanking. But I have a hard time taking a punishment spanking because I know that I’ve let Sir down.

Not only did I let Him down, I bought this very effective implement that I’m sure he’s going to use extensively. Why did I buy it? Funny, I’m reminded of the part in Liar, Liar where Jim Carrey’s character asks, “Why is this happening to me?” and the honest side of him answers, “I’m getting what I deserve, I’m reeping what I sow!” Hmmm…note to self, think of that when I’m sobbing in the torture room.

But wait, there’s more! Every so often, I have an implement binge where I think that I need to own every cool looking, pain metting, butt blistering implement on the market. Yesterday was just such a day…

Cane-iac is my friend. You can stretch your dollar soooooo far by shopping there. I own several items from them already and ALL of them have lived up to their descriptions. Here’s what I bought:

1. The Wonder SR Paddle which is said to cover both cheeks at the same time. Get Ready For the Tears! [is what the description says]

2. The Screamer SR Paddle the title about sums it up. It’s Acrylic and this will be my first experience with Acrylic.

3. The Tortured Arist’s Wormwood Rubber Paddle said to make crybabies out of even the strongest bottoms.

4. Natural Willow OTK Bundle I imagine this will be like a switching times one hundred. Said to petrify the strongest bottoms.

You notice I never buy the innocent looking things? I always have to buy things that use words in their descriptions like: severe, crybaby, petrify, loathe, etc…


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