The past week around our happy home has been something like some of the more surreal scenes in “Apocalypse Now”. Most people would consider this to be a bad thing. I on the other hand, consider this part of the natural purging of the gray matter for the three of us that has to occur from time to time. Believe it or not, it may be the only sort thing that keeps me and my girls out of jail or the state nuthouse.
With these strange periods of introspection (and sometimes flat-out violence) it became clear that some things within and without our dynamic were in need of changes. So where and how do you find new inspiration for a trio of deviants who need their brains and groins tuned up?
Jenn, the pop culture junkie had been getting wet in the panties for some time over the Tiger Woods sex scandal. She is just loves it when a celebrity gets caught cheating. And fuck, Tiger almost has my kinda numbers. Almost.
Anyway, the exquisite agony of Elin had set in motion the gears of scheming and nerve stripping that are the lovely natural talent of my twin. Besides, Heidi like myself, bores easily and delights in new ways to explore the dark edges of the human mind.
Now to announce the new game! First, let me point out though- I firmly believe the reason our lifestyle has survived (knock on my skull)– is careful planning. Each cucking and aftermath needs to have a point. A sharp one. If you bang someone just to show you can or because you are test driving new models looking for a trade-in…Well, you’re an asshole.
New game one: Jenn no longer will have any knowledge of my relationships outside of the house and will not be given any say in the matter. Only suspicion, paranoia and perhaps a picture shown to her by Heidi during a scene could give her introduction to a new playmate. That, or maybe the taste of another woman on my cock when she goes down on me. (I’m never careless, the game is supposed to hurt.)
As for the women. A select list of names has been assembled by Heidi and I out of our slave’s weakest moment’s. These are women from the past ten year’s of life. People that have we have worked with, been friends with, people from online and off. These are to be indefinite affairs, not one time hook-ups. These are to be the women she fears, respects, trusts, and/or hates…. then finds they messing with me behind her back. This is betrayal and pain by design.
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