Friday, 30 October 2009

Varför skulle en tjej klä ut sig till tjej?

Intervju med filmskaparen Tove Pils

Jag la till Tove på myspace för ett par månader sedan, fullständigt övertygad om att det var en kille. Profilbilden är avskuren ovanför munnen, en visserligen tjejigt fyllig mun, men med en maskulin haka och hals därunder. Och en blond svallande peruk. Så klart måste det vara en kille i drag. För varför skulle en tjej klä ut sig till tjej?

Från Toves myspace

Svaret kommer under samtalet jag har med Tove en iskall kväll i oktober på Nya Tröls i Malmö. Bilderna på myspace kommer från Take my sex away, en kortfilm av Tove Pils, Lovisa Elwerdotter och Anna Eborn. Det är en dokumentär om Tove själv – och om att identifiera sig vare sig som man eller kvinna.
”Det ska vara så, att man aldrig får veta om huvudpersonen är tjej eller kille. Det ska inte heller problematiseras. Vi ville att det inte skulle uppfattas som ett problem utan som något som kan vara kul. Men en av mina lärare tyckte att det saknades förklaringar, svar på frågan varför.” Förklaringar som annars, när man skapar film, kan räknas som ett försök att skriva publiken på näsan.

Nu jobbar Tove på en längre film – runt 20 minuter ska PUSH ME bli. Den handlar om gränsöverskridande, men redan vid uttalandet av ordet märks det att begreppet kan vara problematiskt. För vad är egentligen gränsöverskridande? Vad betyder det?
Det som är gränsöverskridande för någon är det inte för en annan, och när man väl överskrider gränserna känns det som att de knappt har funnits. Tove berättar skrattande om föreställningen Queer X Show, som hon såg både i Berlin och i Malmö. Den gjorde sig betydligt bättre i Malmö – antagligen för att den i Malmö utmanade gränser på ett sätt den inte kunde göra i den större staden. När hon för kompisarna i Berlin, som hon tidigare bott i, uttryckte att showen gott kunde innehållit lite mer sex utbrast de unisont: ”NEJ inte mer SEX! Alla performance här innehåller sex. Det är såå långtråkigt!”

PUSH ME – konceptbild. Foto: Andrea Kåberg

Just nu skriver Tove manus till PUSH ME. ”Men jag tycker det är skitjobbigt att skriva manus! Det går långsamt, jag har så svårt att koncentrera mig”, säger hon och hela hon andas rastlöshet: fingrarna plockar, kroppen ser ut att vilja brista ut i stora gester. Jag frågar om det inte går att jobba på ett annat sätt, och tänker på mer workshop-betonade metoder som jag har för mig använts i andra filmer, t ex This is England. Tove svarar att hon liksom föresatt sig att skriva ett manus, att hon behöver det för att söka finansiering, och att ett mer experimentellt tillvägagångssätt kräver mer tid och skådespelare som är beredda på att jobba annorlunda.

PUSH ME handlar om 25-åriga Siri som tillsammans med något äldre transsexuella kompisen Lee börjar testa gränser. I den nära vänskapen finns en trygghet som gör det möjligt, men närheten kan också vara förvirrande och utsuddande.
Siris längtan efter ett större livsrum är som ett starkt rop inom henne:

Allting bara väntar på mig
Jag ska snart ta stora steg framåt, följa efter min röst i någon riktning, vilken som helst. Testa allt jag vill, känna luft som river i mitt bröst, ut­mattning, livet, kön, händer på mig.

Jag vill dansa insmord i olja, i läderremmar med en piska, med en massa smink och strålkastarljus som är varmt mot huden. Jag vill ha mörkbrunt långt hår som är stort och svallar. Min röst ska vara stark och stor. Och alla mina känslor ska fångas i rösten och bli ljudvågor som ska slå emot er med en sådan kraft att ni ska känna chock. Den ska få er att börja om från noll, glömma allt och börja om på nytt.

- ur projektbeskrivningen till PUSH ME

Siri och Lee börjar pusha varandra till förändringar, Siri prövar sin röst, klär ut sig, men längtar efter en ännu tydligare symbol, något att hänga upp förändringen på. Det leder till att de går på BDSM-workshop, och så sakteliga förändras Siris uppfattning om vad som är okej för henne att göra.

Siri och Lee – konceptbild. Foto: Andrea Kåberg

Svårigheten med manusskrivandet ligger mycket i hur Siris förändring ska gestaltas. Vad är det som får en person att kliva över sina gränser och göra det hon inte tidigare vågat? Och hur visar man det genom filmiskt berättande?
Att även själva filminspelningen och processen måste innehålla öppenhet, glädje och trygghet är en självklarhet för att kunna genomföra projektet, och en tydlig ambition hos Tove. Vi återkommer till frågan om hur mycket karaktärerna ska styras av manus och hur mycket skådespelarna själva ska bidra till utvecklingen, och hela tiden dyker Shortbus upp som referens – en film där det är uppenbart att de inblandade har fått arbeta med sig själva och sina egna gränser under inspelningen. ”Men jag har inte med det drag av komedi som finns i Shortbus”, säger Tove. ”Även om det är kul om man kan skratta här och där.”

Tove hämtar mycket stoff till sina filmer från egna erfarenheter, tankar och känslor. Hon menar att det är en politisk handling att öppna upp sig själv på det sättet, något som i sin tur kan leda till att fler vågar göra samma sak.
I november slutar Tove sitt jobb som receptionist på ett danskt företag och hyr ut sin lägenhet. Inga fasta utgifter ska tvinga henne att jobba och hindra henne från att göra det hon vill. I januari – tror och hoppas hon – börjar inspelningen av PUSH ME.

Tove Pils

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Bondage May Make Men Happier!

Bondage and discipline may actually make men happier, according to the first national survey of Australians’ fetish habits.

The new sex study has revealed that 2 percent of Australian men and 1.4 percent of women admit to enjoying dominance, submission and sadomasochism-type sex in the past year.

But researchers involved in the phone survey of 20,000 people say they expect many more Australians to be engaging in the practice but unwilling to label it BDSM (bondage, discipline, domination and submission).

“There will definitely be more men and women who have sexual tastes in this direction but won’t call it this,” said Dr. Juliet Richters, of the University of New South Wales.

“They might not like sex magazines but they just happen to like being tied up and spanked as part of foreplay.

“Ask them if they’re into BDSM they’ll say ‘Yuck, no’.” (who would say that about BDSM???)

The survey results, to be presented at the World Association of Sexual Health congress in Sydney this week, give the first snapshot of Australians involved in bondage behavior.

These fetishes were most common among gay, lesbian and bisexual people and heterosexuals who are “bi-interested”, said Dr. Richters, the lead researcher. (BULL SHIT!)

In women, BDSM was most popular among under 20-year-olds and those who had a partner they didn’t live with. There were no age or relationship trends in men, she said.

People who engaged in the habit were more likely to be sexually adventurous in other ways, like trying anal sex and phone sex, looking at internet pornography or using sex toys.

“These are people for whom sex is a hobby,” Dr Richters said.

They were no more likely to have suffered sexual difficulties, sexual abuse or coercion or anxiety than other Australians.

In fact, says Dr. Richters, men into BDSM scored significantly better on a scale of psychological well being than other men.

“This seems to imply that these men are actually happier as a result of their behavior, though we’re not sure why,” she said.

“It might just be that they’re more in harmony with themselves because they’re into something unusual and are comfortable with that.

“There’s a lot to be said for accepting who you are.”

Researchers said the study helps break down the reigning stereotype that people into bondage and discipline were damaged as children and were therefore “dysfunctional”.

“We really found that BDSM is simply a sexual interest or subculture attractive to a minority, not a pathological symptom of past abuse or difficulty with ‘normal’ sex,” Dr. Richters said.

“They’ve just got a broader and more unusual sexual repertoire than most.”

Friday, 23 October 2009

Generasjon kink

Dagbladet Fredag trykket i dag noe så sjeldent som en relativt fornuftig artikkel om kink. Journalisten har unngått imponerende mange feller, men klarer ikke alle.

BDSM og fetisjisme ville ikke vært like interessant for de mer tabloide delene av riksmedia dersom det ikke hadde vært for at det fortsatt har en god porsjon sjokkfaktor, og hvis den sjokkfaktoren ikke skal kastes bort må man jo som journalist kaste på flis og blåse litt på glørne. Dermed holder det ikke med Oslointervjuene, det ser ut til at Tønsbergfolket har vært villige til å komme med de spenstigste uttalelsene.

De som stiller opp på denne typen intervjuer gjør det som regel fordi de ønsker å fremme aksept for BDSM ved hjelp av informasjon. De som ikke stiller opp, og dem er det jo langt flere av, begrunner det ofte med at de ikke tror at det nytter fordi det sjokkerende blir så viktig at det blir vanskelig å gi et riktig bilde av hva de gjør. Selv tenker jeg at det er bedre å snakke for seg selv enn å snakke gjennom noen som forsøker å selge aviser, og at man ikke nødvendigvis snakker dårligere uten et ansikt.

Det er gode ting i denne artikkelen. Forståelsen av BDSM som lek er viktig, fokuset på at det er et miljø, og at det ikke bare er en soveromsaktivitet.

Så er det småting som plager meg, som at ordet slave blir brukt som samlebegrep i stedet for å bli omtalt som den spesifikke rollen det faktisk er, og at et ord som det har blitt brukt uten å bli verken forklart eller problematisert er uansett ikke best egnet til å opplyse folk om hva BDSM handler om.

Men hvem kan vel klandre en journalist for at han tar med de mest sjokkerende uttalelsene og bruker de mest fengende ordene? Noe annet ville gjort ham til en dårlig utøver av yrket sitt.

De menneskene som stiller opp er eksempler, ikke representanter. Og det tatt i betraktning fikk vi et bedre bilde av variasjonen i miljøet enn jeg har sett noe annet sted, selv om jeg ikke tror at denne artikkelen var best egnet til å løsne på fordommene.

Derimot er den et utmerket sted å starte en samtale om BDSM, og kanskje til og med en offentlig debatt. Kanskje det kan bidra til å bli kvitt sykeliggjøringen.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Okay for those of you who read my blog and no NOTHING about the BDSM lifestyle I do not have the patience to try and explain it all today.  Needless to say if you have questions about anything I write feel free to leave your questions as a comment or track me down on fetlife. 

I have not played in forever!  I am literally starving for a much needed trip into sub space.  It is much like depriving a plant of water.  It WILL in fact die.  Now I am not saying that I am about to fall over and die of not getting a BDSM inspired release but I am saying that the need is very much there.  I wish it were about sex sometimes.  That I could get if I wanted it.  It’s more than that.  It is very much about someone taking instruments that on their surface do not look dangerous and inflicting at least some amount of pain.  It is even more so about someone taking that control. 

Statement of fact:  If you are reading this from  my fetlife link — I am not talking about just ANYONE taking that control.  There are men in my community that I trust and would be able to find that release with.  I am not seeking some random guy to come and try to dominate me.  That is not what this post is about.

**side note:  it’s terribly sad that I even HAD to put that statement of fact in this post.  It is a testament to the state of this lifestyle. 

Okay, back to my thought process.  I’ve had offers to play but the truth is I don’t know exactly what kind of play I am looking for.  I mean if you were to take the entire list of different types of play I wouldn’t even know where to begin!  I mean the idea of some needle play sounds nice but I also am in the mood for a little pain (notice the word LITTLE).  Being this wound up is really driving me crazy.  I just want one evening where I can absolutely let go and find that escape that has been eluding me.

So I am going to several events this weekend and will be out and about around tons of kinky people but my fear is that even in the midst of all these events I am going to wake up Monday morning being even more wound up than I already am.  That would totally suck!!

Falling into place

After many false starts and much pushing from my husband, we had a long talk last night about issues that have been unsettling to me and he realized just how much he was over thinking things. The conversation ended on a good note and we both felt relieved to have everything out in the open. I shyly suggested that I would very much like to be “intimate” with him this evening since I felt so much better for having talked.

I’m not sure how it happened, but it feels like everything fell into place last night. While we were playing he was kind and loving, giving me lots of positive reinforcement but still teasing me considerably to keep me off my toes which creates a positively wonderful tension. He started calling me his girl, which feels right on so many levels. It was an incredible session. He pinched and bit my nipples, praising me for how much I could take. I begged him to be allowed to have him come in my mouth and with some verbal direction from him I was able to with just my mouth and hands which was a victory for me since I haven’t been able to do that for some time. He made me come with his fingers and I once again squirted (and of course forgot to lay something down under me beforehand). We cuddled afterwards and it was the sweetest moment I’ve had with him so far. There was such positive energy flowing and we finally found exactly what I was looking for and it seems to fit what he’s looking for as well which is just incredible.

So now I’m his sweet girl and I cannot begin to describe how happy that makes me.

Friday, 16 October 2009



Meine Laune ist heute so ein Mittelding … eigentlich ist sie ganz gut … ärger mich halt nur noch über gestern Abend rum …

Über die SZ hat mich nun endlich mal was interessantes angeschrieben … und dann hat der gestern Abend verpennt … … und heute Morgen hat ich dann, nachdem ich sehr “nett” was getippt hatte *lach*, ne Antwort … nur so Ausflüchte “verpennt und dann Training” BLAH … boah … und diesen Ärger da drüber, kann ich natürlich nicht rauslassen … ausser ich verhaue meine Bettdecke … (Gedankennotiz: Vorher gucken ob Katze B drunter liegt und pennt) … mir gehen gerade nur böse Dinge durchn Kopf … ich hasse es zu warten … und dann noch verpennen, geht garnet … das war schließlich net nachts … boah …

Dat Höllenweib

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Media Update

Supreme Court to hear case about ’sex slave’ website – Washington DC

The Supreme Court will delve into the shadowy world of sadomasochism next year as it looks into the case of a sex trafficker, known as the “S&M Svengali,” whose criminal conviction had been set aside. …

Top Court to Review S&M Sex Trafficking Case

Leagle, Inc.

During these visits, Marcus engaged in BDSM activities with Jodi and Joanna, and sometimes other women. These activities included branding Jodi, …

Grand Island Holiday Inn Books Swingers Convention

A pastor says they have learned it is a swingers convention for couples. Click the audio player above to hear Eileen Buckley’s full story now or use your …

Swingers Go Wild for Bill Plympton
Willamette Week

Not that “swingers” are unsavory either. Am I digging myself a hole here? I will admit, I was a little nervous when I walked into the club, …

Monday, 12 October 2009

Sexual Entity Part 2

As promised, here is the second part of Sexual Entity:

Mistress moves away.  My covered eyes follow her.  She stops near the table.

“Come here, mel.”

I crawl on my hands and knees to her voice.  My vibrating pussy leaves a moist trail down both of my thighs.  The act of crawling starts another stretch deep within me.  Few things make me come faster than crawling to my Owner.  Few things depict my natural role as eloquently as going to my Mistress on my hands and knees.  If she would let me, I would stay at her feet always.

I bite my lip and my body quivers as I near her.  My head bumps against her leg and I lean into her as I orgasm again.

Mistress pets my head until I am calm.  Unlike her other slaves, I am not required to request permission to come.  Mistress would not have time for that.  My orgasms come too frequently when I am in her presence.

Mistress guides me to my right with a gentle press of her hand.

“Up on your knees, mel.  I want you to clean Denny’s sac with your mouth.  I want you to do a thorough job.”

I rise up on my knees and feel my way to Denny’s balls.  I lick and suck as Mistress ordered me to.  I listen to the sounds of her clipping Denny’s nipples.  I hear vibrators.  Denny squirms and whimpers.

Mistress orders Denny to open his mouth.  I recognize the sound of Mistress’s strap-on filling Denny’s mouth.  I suck harder and squirm, too.  My holes are jealous.  They stretch and throb.  I make more noise as I suck.  Mistress doesn’t know it but my performance is a show.  I want to be her only holes.  I do what she orders, hoping that will be my reward.

“mel, come to me.”

I crawl to the other end of the table.  I bump into a wooden leg before I find Mistress.  She removes my blindfold then climbs onto the table.  Her strap-on never leaves Denny’s mouth.  She straddles him, fucking his face.

“mel, you know where your tongue belongs.”

I dive into Mistress’s pussy from behind.  I lick her clit and bury my nose deep within her moistness.  I kiss her juices into my mouth with loud, slurping pops.  Her taste is warm and tangy.  My tongue flicks hard against her clit then joins my nose deep inside of her.  I breathe only when necessary and then through my mouth.  Mistress allows me this honor so rarely I do not want to waste a moment on something as trivial as oxygen.  I breathe deeply and feel the soft, pillowy flesh filling my mouth and nostrils.  I forget that my purpose is to please Mistress and I care only about getting as much of her as I can.

Mistress feels this.  She knows it.  She orders me away.

“Stand in the doorway, mel.”

Dizzy from her scent, her juices covering my face, I walk unsteadily to the hallway entrance.  Afraid I have displeased my Mistress, I close my eyes, hang my head and wait.  I try not to come.  The juice from my pussy tickles me as it runs down my thighs but I dare not move.

Mistress pulls her cock from Denny’s mouth.  It pops free.  He is as reluctant as I am to give up anything of Mistress’s.

Mistress comes to me.  I open my eyes but keep them lowered.  Her gorgeous breasts are in front of me.  One nipple is exposed.  Plump, luscious, mouthwatering.  Few garments can restrain Mistress’s glorious body.  It demands to be seen.

I lick my lips and sway towards Mistress.  As always, I have no control when my body is near her.  It moves to her instinctively, as all things do when seeking sustenance.  Mistress is the universe and my soul requires her.

She touches my face and I jerk violently.  My head falls back and I moan.  She allows me to lean against her and I twist and whimper as a small orgasm flows through me.

Perhaps these are not orgasms.  Maybe I am simply breathing–oxygen in, oxygen out.  Maybe it is merely the blood coursing through my veins that I feel.  I only know that with Mistress, all is sex.  All is arousal.  When I am with her, every drop of fluid in my body, whether it be blood, saliva or urine, ends up in my pussy, exploding into cum and delivering me to bliss.

Mistress whispers to me, her velvet voice caressing my ear.

“You know what you did, don’t you, baby?”

I twist hard again.  Baby.  She called me baby.  I nod, unable to speak as I fight the stretch connecting my cunt to my nipples.

“You forgot what you are, didn’t you?”

I whimper and nod again.  My head is against her shoulder and even in my current state, my mouth yearns for her nipple.  I drop towards it but pull back.  What ecstatic torture this discipline of temptation and denial.

“You were pleasing yourself, weren’t you, mel?  You weren’t thinking about pleasing me.”

I manage a barely audible, “No, ma’am,” before another orgasm takes control.

“What are you, mel?”

“A sexual entity, Mistress.”  It is a whisper.  A whimpered, tortured whisper.

“What is your purpose?”

“To please you, Mistress.”

She kisses me lightly on the cheek.

“Go to the dungeon, mel, and assume the position on the horse.  I’ll be in shortly to administer your punishment.”

My legs barely carry me as I wobble down the hallway to the dungeon.  Punishment, reward, temptation, denial, pain, pleasure, breathing, orgasms.  Indistinguishable concepts that all mean one thing.  Servitude.  I belong to Mistress and I exist to serve and I feel whole as I make my way to the dungeon.  I feel free and elated and so fucking aroused that I come again.

I assume the position on the horse–stomach and chest flat on the padded top, knees in the cubbies and holes in the air.

Mistress leaves me for an eternity.  I hear Denny’s ecstatic moans in the other room as his purpose is fulfilled.  I chant “sexual entity” in my brain and try not to get jealous, but I can control it no longer and the thought screams through my head, “Why is he having all the fun?”

I calm myself and think submissive thoughts.  I must be prepared for any punishment Mistress might choose.  Perhaps this is my punishment–to listen to another slave getting what I want.  I start to come.  Punishment, reward, temptation, denial.  There are no boundaries in this universe of Mistress.  Everything makes me come.

By the time Mistress leads Denny to the dungeon, I am almost sliding off the horse I am so wet and so anxious.

Mistress yanks out my vibrating plug without warning.  I yelp.  I’d forgotten it was in there it had become such a part of me.  I feel empty.  My ass wiggles towards Mistress, wanting to be refilled.  I whimper.

“mel forgot her place earlier, Denny.  Like you, she exists to please me, but she wanted to pleasure herself instead.  She needs to be reminded that what she wants is not important.  You understand that, don’t you, Denny?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“I think she needs to be reminded . . . ”

Mistress’s hand lands hard on my ass.  The surprise and the pain jolt me forward.

“ . . . with a spanking.”

Mistress’s hand finds a different spot on my ass with every blow.  The stings grow stronger.  The pain nears unbearable.  The orgasms come non-stop.

Mistress suddenly ceases.  The heat from my ass crawls up my body and tingles my scalp.  Tears and saliva stain my face and the padding beneath me.  My knuckles burn from clutching the legs of the horse.  Through my pain and my bliss I manage to utter one word.


“What did you say?”

Mistress’s voice is angry but I feel her smile.

“More, Mistress.  Please.”  Knowing I have pleased her gives me strength.  “Please, Mistress.  More.”

Her hand runs so gently and so softly across my fiery ass that I cry , then the spanking resumes.  I squirm and bounce and call out her name.  The pain lifts me and engulfs me and I feel myself floating.  It becomes unrecognizable as pain and it takes on a different form.  I can not identify it.  I have never been able to identify it but I have learned that this is the only universe where it exists.

My brain tells my mouth to say “mercy”, the word Mistress has given me to protect myself, but before the word comes out, Mistress stops.  Mistress always knows.

I tremble from euphoric shock. I notice odd things, like the shape of my tears as they inch from the corners of my eyes, or the sound of Mistress’s breathing.  She is talking–I hear her voice–but the words are so distant.  It’s her breathing I hear clearly.  Her heartbeat.  Her words are not as important to me at this moment as simply knowing that she is alive.  That she is okay.  That I still belong to her.

I feel calm.

Through the fog I realize Mistress is straddling my ass.  Again, I hear her words in the distance.  They speak of property.  Her heartbeat throbs soothingly in my head.

Wetness hits my enflamed ass and I cry out.  Mistress is marking me.  Her piss flows over me and into my holes.  My pussy swallows her warm fluid.  I orgasm again and I think of calling for mercy.  My bliss is overwhelming.  I feel almost frightened.

Mistress dismounts and orders Denny to stand behind me.  Mistress puts on her strap-on and stands behind Denny.  Then, in a display of dominance so beautiful and so meaningful it makes me feel powerful, too, Mistress puts Denny on her cock and fucks me with him.  Her cock pierces us both.  I turn to watch in the mirror.  I am reared back, forcing myself farther onto Mistress and her cocks.  Sweat and piss fly from my body and Denny’s, too.  If I squint just right, Denny disappears and I see only Mistress fucking me.

Denny and I come.  He asks for and receives permission first.  I simply come.  Again.  I no longer count and I no longer care.  It could be an orgasm or it could simply be breathing.  I don’t care.  It pleases Mistress and that is all that matters.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

I Want It To Last

A Day Off

Yes, might be considered sick, perverse with many a joke surrounding sticky keyboards  (fuck them all!)

The feeling is ”hard” to describe  but it’s a buildup   

it grows

emotion and flesh

imagination takes over….a visual creature with a mind for fantasy

willing curves are God’s best invention    the animals that leather comes from the gift   

with steel formed by the hand of Man

you wait    attached    encased   warm    you wait

by choice no choice

I fane uninterested   in darkness you cannot tell    you wait

I take you in My minds hand

I’m not ready to come yet

This feeling should last

it must

paper towel protects the keyboard

Monday, 5 October 2009

Sugasm #174....She's In There.

The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Want in Sugasm #175? Submit a link to your best post of the week using this form.

This Week’s Picks
5 things I have learned from customers last week at the adult store
“Attractive men typically buy the freakiest toys on the market.”

Doctor’s Visit
“Reach back and spread your cheeks for me”

“Recently it was in a more public venue.”

Sugasm Editor

Editor’s Choice
A Race to the Finish

More Sugasm
Join the Sugasm

(Sugasm participants should re-post all the links above within a week. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)

Erotic Writing & Experiences
An Afternoon With The Ex
Being a Stranger, Being Fucked rough
Designated Cock
The Display
The Fantasy And The Reality
I Just Want to Watch
Killer Heels – Red Satin Skirt
My G-Spot does exist- HER perspective
Library Offences
Nothing is sacred
Staying After Class
Teachers Pet

NSFW Pics, Videos & Audio
24/7 BDSM
Danielle Lloyd Topless and All Nude For Nuts – September 2009
Spanking High Impact!
Spanking in the workshop
Strapped on her bare ass!!!
Veronika Zemanova
When The Sunflowers Bloom (HNT)

BDSM & Fetish
Be Careful What You Wish For
In the Dungeon with dangerous: Notes from Dark Odyssey Summer Camp
Knife Play
Lessons Learned (2/2)
The Long Awaited Demo
The M/s Relationship~Fact or Fiction
More Fun with Clothespins
Sub space and sex before bed
Wake Up

Sex Advice
Bareback sex = better sex?
How to Give Your Woman an Orgasm during Intercourse
Trans girl sex: I’m a clumsy asshole

News, Reviews & Interviews
20 Questions With Courtney Trouble
Lelo Gigi
Tres, Dos…nah, Uno

Thoughts on Sex & Relationships
Sex with Dopey
Without any choice in the matter.