Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Partying in Scandinavia I

This is the first part  that puts focus on what you can do if you happen to visit Sweden or Denmark as a kinkster. This interview is done with Fredsarmé, one of the organizers of a new fetishclub in the south of Sweden. Their next event takes place this weekend and they plan on having events on every third month.

For some one who has never heard about Lunds lekloft, what can you tell about it? Would you say it’s different from other kinky clubs in Sweden and in that case, how would it be different?

- Lunds Lekloft is one of the largest clubs in southern Sweden with clear focus on fetishism, kinky sex and BDSM. There are mainly three things that differentiate us from other clubs with similar focus in Sweden.

1. We are exceptionally allowing when it comes to different types of play, and provide first-class safety.
2. We allocate a great deal of efforts towards the playrooms.
3. We try to get hold of exciting and notorious shows.

How did the idea of arranging a reoccurring event come to mind?

- The idea of Lunds Lekloft was created in an increasing urge for such a party in Skåne, there were a period of almost a year when nobody had arranged anything of such kind in Skåne. MissAnderson and I felt that we hade the necessary skills and motivation to end the problem. We hade both visited most of the events in southern Sweden, so we had a clear opinion of what was missing and what could be done better. After long time of research and discussions we eventually know exactly what we wanted to create. As they say: the rest is history.

Was it difficult to find a venue that was appropriate for the event? Did you have to make any special arrangements in order to get access to the venue?

-To find an appropriate venue was actually one of the most difficult obstacles in our way, especially since we didn’t want any restrictions on play or outfit. One has to find the right interior design, the right amount of rooms, the right surroundings and location, the right venue owner and most important the right feeling. Unfortunately most venue owners were not at all very positive to give room for the activities we were interested in. It sure wasn’t easy but eventually we found a venue we both liked, and with some adaptations, design and effort it really was quiet nice.

What would your advice to any one who would like to organize a kinky party?

-Only enter this complex and demanding business if you are perfectly sure that you have what it takes, failure is not an option! Experience from entrepreneurship, event-planning, marketing, and management is not a bad thing to have. I have experience from six entrepreneurial companies and I am quiet positive: the experience has helped me a lot. One of the most usual mistakes is that the organizers create what they think is missing or what they would like having, they are not focusing enough on costumers value. We are doing this for the sake of our guest – our costumers, and nobody else.

In Sweden, every time any one set up a new event, there is always an issue with the dresscode. The question is ‘to be or not to be dressed’ or maybe even, ‘what to dress in, how to dress’. After reading on your website and reading your thorough statement on dressode and code of conduct it struck me that you really make an effort to include as well as help those who want to come to your club. How did you work the dresscode out, what was your main concerns and how do you, as club organizer, plan to enforce that dresscode?

- Our main vision of Lunds Lekloft is to be to offer a club that is as allowing as possible. Our dresscode is following that vision so that we want to allow everything, with only two exceptions. First for uniforms now used by authority in Sweden, because there are restrictions in the law for the use of those and it could be a juridical problem for both the wearer and for us. The second exception is for outfits that are not differenced enough from what you could wear on an ordinary club. We are aware that far from everyone finds fetishism attractive but we demand some kinky creativity and willingness to stand out from ordinary clubbers, because we are not an ordinary club. The fact that everyone are wearing an outfit that are reflecting kinky sexuality in some way will create a way better sensation for all guests.

After the first event what kind of feedback did you get?

- People seemed so glad that we had started Lunds Lekloft, and they wanted us to continue! We got quiet a lot of tips on how to make next event even better, and we have listened to our costumers. I can with strong confidence say that next event will be greatly better.

And finally, what is the best thing about organizing the Loft?

- No doubt the best thing about organizing Lunds Lekloft is all the positive feedback we get. The smiles on the faces of our guests are really worth all the effort!

Thank you Fredsarmé for that interview and good luck to you and MissAnderson this weekend!

Who Loves Salvadore Dali?

Salvadore Dali's Crucifiction

Can we have a show of hands please?  Dali’s art often leaves me breathless with shock as though each time were the first time I’d peeked.  And the first time I encountered his work was long before I’d taken up masturbation as my cross to bear (yes, it is indeed my sad lot in life to find compulsion ever at my fingertips). Some of the images he invokes on canvas are straight out of my most absurd and surreal dreams, whilst others are nearly pastorally serene. Though is any of his work truly free of the bizzarre or the sensational?

I thought Phil might especially appreciate this particular piece as  he enjoys a bit of religious iconography as much as the next man. Just not before morning coffee and that first delicious hands on treatment sure to bring out the best in Him.  Or the Beast.  Just today while practicing our hand and mouth dexterity skills, the Beast roared!  Obscene and explicit and wild, the Beast shouted to the stained glass rafters and startled a poor soul who chose that very moment to enter our hallowed halls.  It’s a good thing the Beast can beat a hasty retreat leaving nothing in his wake save shaking limbs and wanton glances.  Check out the following link as well to discover Karine Percheron-Danielsan’s interpretation of Dali that truly does him proud. Her work is remarkable in its own right, in my not so humble opinion.

Here’s to sharing a Dali moment with those you love most.


Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Music Moment: Amanda Palmer, Surprisingly More Thought-Provoking Than I Suspected

Well, dang, Amanda Palmer, I did not expect this entry to turn out like this when I began writing. I always thought you rated as talented and fun, but not always for me, but once I had to start pondering you, I began to wonder if it might be that you hit a little too close to home? So thanks?

Amanda Palmer – Runs in the Family

“With me, well, I’m well,
well, I mean, I’m in hell,
well, I still have my health,
at least that’s what they tell me.
If wellness is this,
what in hell’s name is sickness,
but business is business
and business runs in the family…”

Here is a link to the official video for this really excellent track from her LP Who Killed Amanda Palmer, available through Roadrunner Records and produced by Ben Folds (also the album art is by Neil Gaiman … because they are dating, which I cannot comprehend). I’m not crazy about the video, so I’m not embedding it here. I think her showy, fitful histrionics kind of rob the song of its natural jumpiness and make it almost less nerve-wracking.

Amanda began her career with the Dresden Dolls, about whom the wiki has this nugget to say which for me says it all:
The two describe their style as “Brechtian punk cabaret”, a phrase invented by Palmer because she was “terrified” that the press would invent a name that “would involve the word gothic.” The Dresden Dolls are part of an underground dark cabaret movement that started gaining momentum in the early 1990s.

Brecht, punk, cabaret — I find these to be overused words, I stigmatize them because they drip with deliberate intellect, I kind of sneer at them, okay? However, that’s hypocritical as hell because I used terms like “dark cabaret” yesterday in describing Annie. Or is it? I don’t know because the Dresden Dolls never struck the right notes for me personally. I found them too … pat in their spin, in their self-styling. I should have loved them, being a fan of weirdness and steampunk and tinkly music and frankly some also pretty dark shit, you know, wink wink SEXWISE, is what I mean! …

I realized these Music Moment posts tend to run really long because I like music way too much, and can’t bear to only give you half the story on someone I think is really special, so click here to keep reading about Amanda Palmer and my queer little problems with her.

… but despite even our common kinks, I just never could get into them.

I am much fonder of Amanda Palmer’s wilder and I think maybe more heartfelt solo work, although I still find her onstage personality and even her videos a tough sell, which I am trying to wrap my mind around even as I admit it.

I guess I like a waifish, lost girl, which is not the persona that Amanda Palmer espouses as her stage self, whatever she is like personally. I don’t know if I identify better with that more overtly femme and even vulnerable type of hurt-me-save-me-just-pay-attention personality and so love them for that reason, or if they somehow awaken in me a perversely opposite number, like, “I will handle being the busty, snarky one, here, I will be the tomboy who barges in and solves your problems, you just sit there and look pretty and let me occasionally wreck you because sometimes your weakness makes me want to mercilessly stomp you ’til you squirm even as I recognize my own propensity for the same which only makes me want to beat you all the harder.”

Like, which even is it? I have no idea, because I can embody either at the flip of a coin. I am a piece of shit at the consistent feminist thing. I really suck at it. I flounder through it like I do every other social position of note, because I am no good at really sitting and admitting for sure what I feel about my identity, or where it fits in to the broader set of women as a whole.

In fact, I was downright miffed by this video for “What’s the Use of Wondrin’,” my favorite Amanda Palmer song, featuring Annie Clark who was yesterday’s Music Moment artist. I love this song because it is a purely creepy cover that brings out the underlying horror of the message of submission in the original song from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel! (emphasis theirs. not mine).

Amanda Palmer – What’s the Use of Wondrin’? feat. Annie Clark

Listen to the song without those images, and see how different it is. I hate this video because it makes a mockery of that position, of that hard-won submission. What the hell do you know about it, Amanda “Bossypants” Palmer? Just because being all riotous and shit comes to you naturally doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t find a sick pleasure in loving the wrong person, or even loving the right person in a really fucked up way. Is it so wrong to want to be totally taken care of, to for once in your life count on someone and allow them to set clear boundaries the transgression of which may occasionally result in punishment? (Oh, my god, I think I just heard Gloria Steinem’s jet start … yep, she is coming to get me…) But by the same token, I have to admit that I liked how weird and creepy the song was all along because I did recognize how ironically terrible its message was. So, I can’t have it both ways forever. Which is it going to be? We’ll see, I guess. “So when he wants your kisses,
you will give them to the lad,
and anywhere he leads you,
you will walk.
And anytime he needs you,
you’ll go running there like mad;
you’re his girl
and he’s your fella
and all the rest is talk.”

The Best and Worst Vegan Books

By PETA member Michael O’killallhumans

As any animal activist knows, there are a ton of books on animal rights, but it can be difficult to sort the gluten-free flax from the chaff.  Or something. First I’ll tell you about the best ones on the market: The ALF’s Guide To Blowing Up Animal Testing Labs By Jeffrey O’killallhumans My son Jeffrey (official policy writer for ALF) just published this great book last year.  This book will help any person who rightly feels guilty for being human and alive.  If you’ve ever wanted to know how to break into an animal testing lab, release all the animals, and blow up the lab, leaving no structure left standing, then this is the book for you.  I’d like to issue the following warning that I don’t think I saw in the book:  Before blowing up any animal testing lab, make sure all the humans are released, so that the media doesn’t get too mad.  It’s just good PR tactics.  It’s just something to consider anyway.  Certainly not mandatory or anything.
Fat Ladies: What They Are and How to Stop Them by Jeane Kirkpatrick I had no idea about this threat before reading this book. In fact, I had always been attracted to larger women as all the pressures of my society had led me to be.  I went along merrily eating steaks, sleeping with fat women, and sometimes eating pork chops, while sleeping with fat women. Then one day, a skinny friend of mine gave me this book and I realized the error of my ways. It turned out that fat women weren’t attractive and that we should in fact make them feel like crap about their weight, as every aspect of their physical form is their fault and says something about them as a person. In fact, if I hadn’t been informed by PETA about how hideous fat women were, I wouldn’t have converted to veganism at all!  Now to help spread veganism, I go up to fat ladies and tell them, “Excuse me, do you know that you are grotesque? By the way, go vegan!”
Aristotle Upside Down by Lisa McCoy Aristotle Upside Down is an amazing book that reveals how important plants and animals are and how very unimportant humans are.  Aristotle thought humans were the more advanced and morally best life forms, and plants were the least advanced and morally worst life forms.  But McCoy turns this picture upside down and rightly so.  She writes how humans are the only creatures to ponder about their own purpose in life and how this is a complete waste of time.  McCoy argues that if humans can make use of their time, their time should be spent purely worshipping gods and goddesses in the form of plants.  All technology and science should be quickly dispelled, even if this means most of the human world population starves.  It’s a small price to pay for evils we’ve done.   Lunchtime by Stephanie Meyer The latest in the ongoing Twilight saga, this book details the vampire protagonist’s conversion to a vegan.  After being bitten by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Edward ceases to be a sparkly angel vampire and becomes a true monster. Pale and deadlike from his anemia and lack of vitamin B12, he stalks the night, drinking soy blood and ranting about factory farms to his mortal girlfriend.  The action really ramps up as the vampires, werewolves, and mermaids of the high school in question are challenged by the legendary Nosferatofu.  Edward is nearly bested, but after sprinkling some holy Braggs on the monster, they are safe again.  Having killed the Head Vegan, he was released from the spell but continued to be vegan because his body had stopped producing bloodtase, the enzyme needed to properly digest human blood.  The werewolves couldn’t give a fuck. The Joy of Vegan Sex (Which Is Way Better than Omnivore Sex) by Dr. Ursa Minor Most people fall short of being fully vegan when it comes to the bedroom. This book helps you find out which condoms are cruelty free, where to get faux leather masks and alternatives to incorporating animals into your sex life.  Every omnivore you meet will complain, “But goats are great lays!” That argument didn’t work with cheese so stuff it fella.  If you can’t get your rocks off with humans only, you’re doing it wrong.  I mean, you’ll be forgiven for throwing in a canary or two to spice things up now and again. Nobody’s perfect, but this book will help you get animals out of your sex life by 98% at least.
Bush’s War of Terror: The True Cost of the Iraq War as Measured by Donkey Deaths by Nom Chompy It’s startling how many donkeys were killed in the Iraq War.  The CIA World Fact Book estimated 150 donkeys have been killed.  I know donkeys weren’t the only animals killed but it’s a kind of indicator.  Anyway, this book points out the real problem with war.  War can actually harm animals and often does.  If humans could stop war or have it in an animal free zone, then I think all wars would be pretty neutral morally or even morally awesome.  This is a very good book for anyone who shares this point of view.   Humans Can Find Redemption by Depopulating by Helen Virulent This is a very good book.  Do you remember that part in the movie Independence Day when the President asked the alien if there could be any peace?  And the alien just said, “no peace….DIE!!!!” Well, I feel just like that alien and you will too after you read this book.  This book details a complete guide to how eco-terrorists can “reform” themselves by going to the university, getting  Ph.Ds, indoctrinating students with eco-mania, and then sending out these radical students with their radical agendas to go destroy businesses, especially the businesses that are producing wasteful technologies.  What are wasteful technologies?  You know, the kind of technologies that keep humans alive and prosperous.   One thing about this book that I was unclear about was the redemption part.  I couldn’t really find how we’d be redeemed in the book.  But honestly that part never really mattered to me.  In the words of that alien, “no peace….DIE!!!!!” Veganomicon by H.P. Lovecraft This one was very useful in helping me to summon the elder god, Krothnar–easily the most cruelty free of the elder gods.  With his help I was able to find an excellent egg substitute for an occult potluck I was having. Thanks to Lovecraft’s activism, none of my dinner guests left unsatisified with the meal. Several of them did however see into the gaping maw of madness and fell in, never to return. *shrugs* You win some, you lose some. Great book though.

Cthulhu: Not Vegan!

Not on to the worst of the lot. These two books have made a lot of sales, but are pushing bad information: Animal Liberation by Peter Singer This is nothing but garbage. Sure, he promotes treating animals kindly and is for the killing of babies but the problem I have is that he leaves the issue right there. What about toddlers or teenagers?  The fact is, if it isn’t an animal, we are obligated to kill it. Singer ignores this fact, tainting all his other arguments.  Peter Singer is a utilitarian and like most utilitarians, he wants us to kill 50 humans over a lion because the interests of the humans outweigh the lion’s.  I say, let the lion eat each human being individually over the course of 50 days.  Maybe it’s just the morality in me but I think the idea that animals and humans can live in harmony is just a pipe dream.  The only way to liberate animals is by destroying the prison,  the human race.  Singer’s book should be burnt and so should he.  

In the Garden of Vegan By Kramer and Baynard

Honestly, any animal activist worth their nutritional yeast will already be well-versed in the creation mythology of how vegans were put on the Earth and why our poo doesn’t smell.  God said “Let there be light” and saw that it was good. He said “Let it be organic, fair trade light” and saw that it was good. He then set up a thai restaurant inside the garden of Eden and derrived Adam from the soil and got Eve from the farmers market.  The problem with In the Garden of Vegan, is that it doesn’t mention any of this.  Kramer and Baynard are set to lose their vegan cards once the Council of Smugness reconvenes.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Hot Chicks, whips, and chains. Plus Device Bondage

Hot Chicks, whips, and chains. Plus Device Bondage

Go to Shackals and view some of the hottest sex device bondage on the web. You wont believe the things these ladies are doing. There’s even a little something extra for gay, lesbian, and tranny. For everyone else, hot chicks, big boobs, big butts, cum shots, bj’s, and lots of anal. Go to

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Kapital Kink over and done with

Well, Kapital Kink finally came and went.

I had fun setting up for the fetball.  I liked hanging around with the folks I was hanging around with, and I liked putting stuff up and being useful.  I liked working at the door during it because I got to talk with people and hang around.  I am not really one to go out alone into a full, loud room, and make friends. But with something to do and a reason to be standing around cahtting I am happy.   I found out that a fet ball is basically what I imagained it to be and of very little appeal in and of itself.  I am really not a fetishist.

All the workshops I went to were great.

Andrea Zannin’s Dance of D/s workshop was first.  I actually wasn’t intending on going to it, but then I did anyway.  I was glad I did because it didn’t involve the “hands on” that sounded intensely awkward in a group of mostly strangers.

Then there was a discussion about rope bottoming which was a bit interesting.  There was some discussion about consent and rules about obtaining consent.  Someone expressed the opinion that if a bottom doesn’t safeword, a top is absolved of responsibility for their actions, which made me want to scream for various different reasons. It made me feel good that other people challenged him about this, because actually I think that idea is flat out Wrong and Dangerous.  (And this I know from hard Experience which I will not relate here.)

This was followed by a presentation by Morpheous about using finer cords than usual, like yarn and thread, to tie up fingers and toes.  I liked the fingers the best, personally.  It was totally cute when he tied the fingers of his bottom (sub I think?) and then made her go get him a drink.  Maybe I will do it to myself and take a picture, but I will definitely have to get someone to help with the camera for that.

And at the end Sir Dart gave exactly the kind of workshop I wanted to go to about rope: it was about the interpersonal dynamics of tying someone up.  I have to say that out of everyone I met the whole weekend, Dart was the sexiest.  As part of his workshop, he tied my friend up, and I was so incredibly jealous the whole time.

And while all this was going on I got to meet some awesome folks and made some more friends in Ottawa, I think.  I hope to keep in touch with these folks once i get back from Toronto (if I ever get there…).

Good News Everyone!

Last night started in a most ominous fashion.  The tweaker, who I have been attempting to employ to bring my desk out of the driveway and into my apartment, above the garage, flaked again.  Making this day ten or twelve that my giant desk lingers in the driveway baiting the landlord (who lives in the front house) to come ask me about it.


Then my friend Karl called me.  Karl has been a friend for some twenty years.  I know he is having an affair and I tried to advise to the best way to keep it on the down low.  But sadly Karl has gotten caught.  He was having a giddy moment of lust called love last night and when I couldn’t take it anymore I hung up and took my laptop, a bottle of two-buck chuck, and a plate of hummus, olives, cheese, and flatbread down into the driveway to work on a proper desk.

Grad school is a bitch.  I’m a walking cliché with my exhaustion, my boxes of unpacked madness making my apartment resemble a storage unit, and me in the driveway with a bottle of two dollar wine sitting at a full sized office desk at midnight – when the phone rang.

Apparently Mark saw my new ad on Eros.  It’s a real hoot.  Makes certain I won’t get too many calls.  Check it out – look in fetish fantasy in sd.

Mark talks me into coming to his room at the Hyatt.  He tells me he is black and smart.  I’m pretty easy really.  When I get there I discover that he smokes pot, that he is as horny as I am, that he is gorgeous, buff, dark, smart (as promised), that his mother was / is a librarian, that he lives on the east coast and that his real name is not mark.

After we toke up I tell him to strip.  Then he is kissing my back, something that I discover he is very good at. He is kissing me all over with his big lips, I’m melting.  Simply melting.

I haven’t had good sex in well over a year. Last week I got a practice run to see if it really is like riding a bicycle. It is! This Mark knows what he is doing. Oh yes, he does.

The kissing is rapidly followed by me sliding a magnum onto his dick that is big, not the biggest I have taken, but not disappointing.  I cannot wrap my had around it.  It is long and thick and I go to back onto it and he directs me to my back.  I would normally, in my ubber neurotic state, not let anyone get on top of me, but he is so mellow and strong and soft that I trust him.  For no real obvious reason I trust him.  So I get on my back and guide is cock into my dripping vagina.

I am immediately overcome by a huge dick in me.  Yes, it feels good but it hurts a little too. Mister curve was a lot smaller than this dude.  I wonder if I can take it.  I know I can.  I want to.  I am so turned on and so horny and he pushes his dick inside me.  I moan. It still hurts, but just a little and in a good way.  A real good way!

He pumps real slow at first, then faster then faster and deeper until I come and come and come.  I am moaning like I haven’t been laid in a year.

We keep fucking like this till I tell him I simply must flip over.  I stick my ass in the air, add some lube to my already well-lubricated pussy, and as he slides his dick into me he grabs my hips – I loose it.  I am one big orgasm.  I am coming and coming and screaming and he is shooshing me – like that will work.  I put my face in a pillow and scream and moan as he squeeze and pumps and slaps my ass and pulls my hair and I am, simply put, in heaven.

One thing that struck me while we were fucking like this was when he slapped my ass the first time there was no wiggle.  Nothing wiggly, just a hard ass that, while slappable and round did not wiggle like it has all the times that I have had sex with aggressive black men.  I was a little sad.  I wondered where I lost my ass.  I lost a lot of weight.  My ass is still back there but not all of it.  Not even most of it.  No wiggle.

But enough with the existential ass woes, I’m getting some!  Hurray for me!   This dude can fuck.  It seems like it goes on forever.  I’m in a trance.  Orgasm after orgasm washes over me.  I know nothing but the sex that I am.  I am moaning and screaming having the best time I have had in a long time.

We flip, fuck this way, that way, every way we can.  Then I have to pee.  I put him in the tub and I’m fucking him. Riding him, he is moaning, it is dark, he reminds me of a gorilla – but I don’t say that, it seems like it might take away from the mood, I’m bouncing up and down, then I pull his cock out of me and squat over it, I let a big stream of piss shoot all over his dick.  He is muttering something about how sexy it is, I keep pissing and pissing and pissing.  Then when I have no more piss I slide his dick back in me.  I ride him and we make a wet suction – slurp slurp slurp

When I’m done in the bathtub we head back to the bed.  I stick my ass in the air and he slips he dick in me.  I stand on my toes, which are wet with piss, we pump against one another and pump and pump.  I am screaming so loud that I shove my face in a pillow, again.  I’m having some fantastic orgasms.  I’m so fucking loud that no one on the 15th floor of the Hyatt is asleep.   No one.  I’m getting fucked like I need to be getting fucked.  I’m a riot of overwhelming sexy squirting fluids and noises.

We get back into the bed, fuck some more in ways that I am not certain of, I come, he comes, we collapse.  He suggests that I sped the night.  I say “I’m not much for slumber parties” and then I cuddle up to Mark.  His skin is soft and dark.  He tells me I can bite him as we discuss the positive aspects of vampirism.  I bite him and bite him and bite him. I opt to not break his skin as I don’t even know him.  I bite to the point just before skin breakage.  If you bite you know that spot, if not, imagine.

In our post-orgasmic, post cosmic fuck bliss we talk about politics, literacy rates, travel and food, and my ass.  We giggle.  I fall into his arms and pass out.  We cuddle for a few hours, have some more sex and spend the sun-filled part of the day eating food, smoking weed, getting him to the airport so he can head back east.  I watch enviously as he heads into the airport to travel to the better part of the country.

Hopefully I will see Mark again.  If not, it was a swell time.  I’m glad that I opted for the slumber party, got my fuck on, and for the first time in a long time – relaxed!

Thanks Mark

Friday, 25 September 2009


Ummmm….supervisando los detallitos de la fiesta,mi Dulce se merece esto y mucho mas,es tan…tan..perra

Me siento muy revoltosa y juguetona,como la gaseosa,jajajaja,pero no tan light,que soy muy perversa,disfruto enormemente de los preparativos,pero no,no,no lo sabras hasta mañana.

Me gusta que sufras  intentando adivinar cual es tu futuro,que es mañana,un futuro nublado porque en la tv dice que llueve,te imaginas? lluvia,viento,gota fria…..

me conoces?

sigo guardando esa palabra “pastelito” y te digo : soy un pastelito dulce,agridulce y a veces salado,jajajaja, ahora ya ,que ya es 26 salerosaaaa.

Tengo mi deseos apuntandote.

a quick update

I just realized I’ve gotten all excited about the monthly newsletter I started putting out in late summer, SexGeekNews, but I’ve completely neglected to post it here when any of my speaking gigs are coming up or other cool shit happens. How silly of me.

So in the realm of cool shit, back in August, I was interviewed and quoted by supercool sex columnist Sasha on the question of insecurity when in a relationship with a bi person. Check it out here.

And in the realm of speaking gigs, of course I update the workshops section on this here blog, but just in case, here’s my fall speaking schedule. I’ve got some room for additional teaching/speaking/whatever in my visits to Montreal (Oct. 13-14), New York (Oct. 15-19) (Can I tell you how excited I am to be teaching for the Lesbian Sex Mafia? Seriously!) and Halifax (Nov. 4-9), so feel free to contact me at veryqueer3 at yahoo dot ca if you’re interested!

And if you want additional fun stuff in your inbox once a month, send an e-mail to

September (Ottawa)

  • Saturday, September 26, 10:00-11:30 a.m. The Dance of D/s: Cultivating Dominant and Submissive Body Language at Kapital Kink.
  • Saturday, September 26, 8:00-11:00 p.m. I’ll be tabling under an “Ask the Sex Geek” banner at Kapital Kink’s Xploratorium, prescription pad in hand!
  • Sunday, September 27, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Making an Impact for Wicked Wanda’s Wicked Eat & Beat at Club D&D in Gatineau. Look up “The Wicked Eat & Beat” on for sign-up details.

October (Toronto)

  • Sunday, October 4, 5:30-7:00 p.m. 10 Rules for Happy Non-Monogamy workshop at Come As You Are, 701 Queen St. West. Register here.

October (Ottawa)

  • Sunday, October 11, 4:00-5:30 p.m. The Dance of D/s: Cultivating Dominant and Submissive Body Language at An Unholy Harvest.

October (Montreal)

  • Wednesday, October 14, 3:30-4:30 p.m. The Ethics of Sadomasochism talk for Daniel Cere’s Sexual Ethics class at McGill University (Religious Studies Department). Location TBC.

October (New York)

  • Friday, October 16, 8:00-10:00 p.m. Topic TBC (either The Dance of D/s or Making an Impact) workshop for the Lesbian Sex Mafia. For members.

November (Halifax)

  • November 4: demo at the SheDogs women and trans bathhouse. Topic TBC.
  • November 5, 6 and 7: workshops at Venus Envy. Topics TBC.

Okay, that’s definitely enough shameless self-promotion for one day. Have a good weekend, folks!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Music Moment: The Ditty Bops

The sassy molassy through which I had to go to get this video to be my own and get WMB off my back from site to site to site where I was trying to store it for embedding was absolutely ridiculous. I cannot even go in to it. (The worst part is that Amanda and Abby would love for you to easily watch it. It is only their label and its parents making things difficult.)

Please enjoy this awesome video for “Wishful Thinking,” off of the lovely ladies’ first self-titled LP, and check out their official website to buy merchandise, download media, and more!

They got married last October. Happy almost one-year anniversary!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Filmkveld: Den første kvalme pornoopplevelsen

Jeg trodde dårlig porno var de filmene der alle damene var den samme platinanyansen blonde og jeg ikke kunne skille dem fra hverandre og der budsjettet er så lavt at ingen scener kunne skytes flere ganger. De er naturligvis triste nok, men det viste seg at mitt høyt skattede BDSM kunne gjøre galt verre.

Jeg vet at pornoindustrien er full av mennesker som er under moderat engasjert i det de gjør. Porno kan være glam for dem på toppen, og det kan nok være moro i altpornobransjen, men det etterlater fortsatt mye plass i pornobransjen til de som er der fordi de trenger penger, vil være på toppen eller andre grunner som ikke er at de ønsker å være der de er. Slik er det jo med mange typer arbeid, men å arbeide med sex med eller uten kamera er tross alt ikke en vanlig jobb.

Jeg vet alt dette, men i dag er jeg nesten sikker på at jeg har sett det. I dag har jeg sett spankingporno med en apatisk kvinne som bunn. Jeg skal ikke gi dere detaljene. Jeg skal ikke gjette på hvordan hun havnet der. Jeg skal ikke spekulere i hvordan målgruppen til filmer som denne kan unngå å se det vi så: Apati med litt smerte og noen pliktskyldige hyggestønn.

Derimot koster det meg ikke mye å spekulere i hvorvidt jeg kommer til å se den igjen. Eller noe av samme skuffe. Jeg kommer sikkert til å se porno med BDSM som tema, men ikke uten en kvalitetssjekk på forhånd. For selv om det var lærerikt var det på en måte som gjør at jeg håper å slippe å lære akkurat dette en gang til. En gang er nok.

Underholdningsverdi: Lav.
Het: Nei, heller det motsatte.
Høydepunkt: Nei.
Verdt å se: Nei.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Beat it, zap it, snuggle it

As is Murphy’s law, things did not go according to plans for Unique Goddess at this past DXS Rapture event, but that surely did not take away from Her experience.  Her masochistic pain sluts did not attend, as they were unfortunate victims of some loser running a red light and bashing into their car.  Although, of course, The Goddess had more than enough willing servants at Her beautiful tiny Goddess feet ready to please!

One slave in particular The Goddess has had Her eye on and has been playing a deliciously devious game of hard-to-get and Tease & Denial with for several months.  It is a beautiful creature that The Goddess would love to have as Her own, but She wants to make sure it is truly worthy and true in intention.  So far the boi is doing wonderfully.  it made clear it’s intentions of wanting to provide Her service and has been very good at pampering This Goddess, so She ordered it to find a good playspace where She could use it’s gorgeous body mercilessly.

The Goddess adorned this creature’s pretty cock with some beautiful purple rope-work, then strapped it to the cross with it’s nice round sumptuous ass easily accessible for The Goddess’ sensually sadistic touch.  She lavished in using this boi’s hot body with sensation play, flogging, and more.  Each time She peeked around the other side of the cross, She noted the big ear-to-ear grin this sexy creature had. Oh yes, this boi is lovin’ it as much as She is!  This mutual enjoyment, combined with the erotic orgasmic sounds from a hot scene occurring simultaneously right next to The Goddess’ scene, really got The Goddess’ juices flowing, so She pushed even further.  She ordered the creature to turn on the cross exposing it’s yummy front-side, then attached the grounding probe to really turn up the juice.  She started off using Her fingers to delicately provide sparks all over the boi’s body, then alternated between Her knife, dental pic and Her gorgeous body.  The Goddess loves using Her body to zap these bois and really drive them crazy; nipples, toes, tongue ring, gorgeous round alabaster ass, and, with this particular creature, Her panty covered kitty too!

Everything flowed so perfectly, but this night The Goddess did something quite unusual for Her, She stopped Her game of Tease & Denial.  Sure, She continued to lasciviously tease the creature, but in the end She also really wanted it, so She did something out of Her “normal” behaviors.  She rewarded the creature by allowing it to orally pleasure Her, then She ordered it to completely sexually satisfy Her kitty with it’s lovely cock.  This is definitely not typical behavior for The Goddess, very rarely will She allow slaves such pleasures, so I’m sure there were quite a few surprised onlookers.  Although, The Goddess is an exhibitionist, so they shouldn’t be too surprised.    The Goddess really enjoys this boi’s energy, so She cozied up and snuggled with it, resulting in a wonderful night’s sleep.

As you all probably already know, The Goddess is a Size Queen, so obviously this creature met The Goddess’ standards in that capacity too.  Finding a good personal slave to meet The Goddess’ requirements can be difficult, so She likes to take Her time.  The more She interacts with this fine specimen of a man, the more She likes him.  Although, She knows how you flunkies put your best foot forward in the beginning, so of course She is going to take Her time getting to know the boi better, before even thinking of pulling it into Her stable.  Too many pathetic peons have let Her down, so She’s tightened up on Her requirements.  No slave can be all that This Goddess needs, but they need to at least be able to provide for certain basic requirements, the most important, commitment and loyalty.

Being as The Goddess has been in mourning, She was more getting out from Her isolation to be among friends, rather than ‘on duty’.  She enjoyed Herself so much so, that She hadn’t observed the other scenes occurring all around, aside from some hot naked bodies coming from the outdoor sauna and Lady Eve’s marvelous piercings  induced on her bratty bottom, templar.  It was great to be among the good energy of great friends and just relax and enjoy the moment of peace, however brief it may be.

This is a busy week for The Goddess, although one of Her favorite sissies is down, so She has availability remaining Thursday and Friday from 2-9pm.  Any of you worms seeking to serve and submit to This Goddess, hurry up and send an email while She still has availability this week!

Sweetly Sadistic,
Unique Goddess

Sometimes you just gotta grab life by the balls and give a good strong tug!

Gaffadronning leser Naked on the Internet

Jeg kjøpte Audacia Rays bok Naked on the Internet fra 2007 med en klar formening om hvordan boken skulle være: En lettlest bok om hva kvinner gjør på nettet for å tjene penger.

Heldigvis kunne Ray bedre enn som så. Boken var ikke det jeg hadde tenkt meg, men jeg har fått en ny helt.

For denne damen har skarpe analyser som fikk meg til å hikste av glede, respekt nok for temaene hun tar opp til å ikke overforenkle eller få alt til å passe inn i slik hun mener verden burde se ut, og et syn på skrivingen som i seg selv gjør henne verdt å lese.

Boken handler om kvinners sexrelaterte nettbruk, og tar for seg datingsider, sexblogging, selvprodusert porno, salg av sex, hvordan finne informasjon om seksuell helse og naturligvis nettsex.

Legg til godt språk, nettkunnskaper, pedagogiske evner, interessante intervjuobjekter, god og ikke-fordømmende feministisk analyse og masse rød leppestift, og jeg er naturligvis solgt.

Som nevnt i august har jeg begynt å lese bloggen hennes – den begynte som en blogg av det uanstendige slaget, og har etter hvert blitt mer sexpolitisk. Hun sier det allerede i Naked on the Internet: “Damn right I have an agenda.”

Saturday, 19 September 2009


Jeg tenker en del på denne såkalte switch-identiteten. Jeg er klar over at jeg har en, og jeg har nesten akseptert at den finnes. Det har vært vanskelig, jeg ønsket en stund at jeg skulle være primært undergiven, men det ser faktisk ut som at det er 50/50 eller at jeg kommer til å slutte som primært dominant. Eller kanskje ikke, jeg er bare veldig overveldet av alle følelser for øyeblikket. Haha.

For å kunne akseptere min switchidentitet, har jeg forsøkt å se etter “tegn”. Saker jeg har gjort i seksuelle sammenheng eller i relasjoner som kan ses som dominante. Det er kanskje dumt, men jeg syns mønster i tidligere ikke-bdsmorienterte relasjoner sier en del.  Som:

- Jeg likte veldig godt å spytte en tidligere partner i ansiktet. Å sette meg på hans mage og holde fast hans armer mens jeg spyttet på han var noe av det morsomste jeg visste. [Og, nå er dette en av de aktivitetene jeg liker best som undergiven. Også en av de aktivitetene jeg helst kunne tenkt meg å gjøre med andre]

- Jeg har alltid hatt en greje for å holde fast folk i dusjen. Om det har vært folk med kuk, så har jeg holdt fast deres hender med en hånd, evt tejpet hendene sammen, og runket med den andre.

- Under sex har jeg alltid likt å ta tak i folks hender og tvinge dem til å føle hvor våt de gjør meg. Det er kanskje mange som tror at de fleste heteromenn syns det er kjempesexy,  men det er det ikke. Men, jeg var 16. SSC eksisterte ikke i min verden.

- Jeg liker å gi folk ros. Gjerne ved å kalle dem “flink gutt/jente/valp” og ved å klappe dem på hodet. Holder gjerne fast folk når jeg koser med dem, og har ingen problemer med å utdele ørefiker om jeg anser at de ikke gjør som jeg sier. Dessuten føler jeg meg tilfredsstilt når folk tar mine råd, og følger mine ordre.

Jeg tenker kanskje for mye?

Friday, 18 September 2009

Anticipation of ElectroRapture

As Unique Goddess is busy preparing for DXS Rapture, She’s oozing with anticipation for the devious plans She has in the works.  Finally, She will have Her way with not one, but two seriously masochistic pain sluts!  Sure The Goddess enjoys Her sissies, but She also loves a good pain slut and these two in particular are very special to Her.   What a great way to break the ice from a seriously intense time.  The Goddess had cut down on activities this past month, but looks forward to spending time with Her fetish family.  These are the people She feels most comfortable around and She will really cut loose!  The Goddess is not one to give out too many details, as She LOVES surprises, so be on the look out for the review of the upcoming DXS Rapture!

The Goddess still has availability on Tuesday and Thursday of next week from 2-10pm, but that can change quickly, so hurry up and get on Her schedule!!!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Service Book of Days 9/17/09

  • Outside the window of the train…it is still dark outside as I have been going into to work a bit early to make up some time.  I’m always amazed at the amount of people who are out of the house and moving and 5am.
  • my thoughts…are clear, peaceful and energetic…lol  I have a lot of stuff to do and a lot of energy to do it with.  This amazes me because I feel like for the past year of so my energy level has been non existent, my head has been cloudy and stuff has been happening around me.  Like I have been operating singular focussed.  Now I feel like I can actually participate fully in life.
  • Today’s Quote… Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly. Epictetus   From the Merriam Webster online dictions:  adorn implies an enhancing by something beautiful in itself.  

    I love this quote.   I love things that are simple yet effective.  I find I complicate things way more than necessary anyway.  I know I am Master’s slave and I adorn myself with His mastery, with His love,  with submission to my Master, grace, honesty, commitment, and willingness to be His fully.

  • i am thankful for…the small things in life and the clarity to see how important they are.
  • From my service training…I am sinking fully into my space with Master and learning how more and more my submission to him changes my entire life.  The skills I learn in speaking, cooking, presenting myself, accountability,  and relating to him transfer to every part of my life in dealing with kids, family, co-workers.  Feels really good to “live life wide awake”.
  • From the kitchen… tonight I would like to try something different to cook so I will be searching for a quick but delicious recipe to fix for the kiddies
  • i am wearing…black pants, black boots, black shirt with a white shrug
  • i am creating…order and clarity.  I am looking to find a cleansing ritual for my house.  I think I will stop by the local shop that sells stones and such to see if they can help me find something
  • my adventures this week… starting back to the gym…today…Thursday
  • Becoming well read…A dragonfly in Amber…The Compleat Slave by Jack Rinella…listening slowly to the Four Agreements (again)
  • Today’s Melody… And I gave my Love to you…by Sonja Marie  (Waiting to Exhale Soundtrack)  I wasn’t to enthused about the movie but I love, love the soundtrack.
  • One of my favorite things…is to decompress with my kids after their day at school.  Just chatting about stuff that happened to them that day and hanging.
  • Still….life… mmmmmmm ice


 Photo used per Creative Commons.

 Master Void’s esclave

Interested in knowing where the idea for my weekly post came from…click this link.  You will also find some great ideas on service even if you are without someone to serve.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

History - Interested?

I have been interested in sex, and sexual exploration since I was first aware of sexuality in myself. I was a promiscuous teenager and turned into a promiscuous university student and am now a promiscuous woman. I enjoy sex deeply and I enjoy meeting others who do likewise. I don’t regret my promiscuity, although I keep it under wraps since I know it’s not socially acceptable. I am safe, sane and clean. I always use protection and I have never had an STD.

It’s hard for me to pin point an exact moment when I became interested in BDSM. The moment that sticks out the most is in my early 20’s when a now former girlfriend introduced me to my first fetish clubs.

I had an active club kid in my teens and early 20’s but the traditional club scene was beginning to bore me. My usual clubs were Velvet Underground, Savage Gardens, Bovine Sex Club and even Sanctuary when I was too young to get in anywhere else.

The fetish club was Fetish Masquerade (which I think is still around) and was held at Holy Joe’s (Big Bop – King & Bathurst) at that time (I think it has since moved to a club on Adelaide).

It was nothing spectacular. There were teens though 30’s dressed up in all sorts of costumes from the very elaborate special effects make up to the person who could barely match black jeans with a black t-shirt. The most active part of the club was the dance floor, but on the third floor there was the ‘dungeon’.

The dungeon was a small room with broken down couches and some ramshackle benches and cross where people to stage fetish scenes with spanking, flogging and tickling. It was more voyeuristic than real. Most people would go up, let a partner take a few whacks and then disappear back into the crowd.

In many ways it was sort of a sorry site. Hopefully it has improved, but I doubt it. But, it still peaked my interest. I know it can go much further – mentally and physically – than what was on display at that club. Since then I’ve continued to look for that experience.

A Kinky Joke

Yes…I appreciate other “things”  including a good joke.  I can’t help that it involves a little bondage.  Enjoy….(that’s an assignment!)

Fishing Trip

Dave and his buddies were hanging out and planning an upcoming fishing trip. Unfortunately, he had to tell them that he couldn’t go this time because his wife wouldn’t let him. After a lot of teasing and name

calling, Dave headed home frustrated.

The following week when Dave’s buddies arrived at the lake they were shocked to see Dave. He was already sitting on the dock, fishing rod in hand, and drinking a beer.

His buddies asked, “How did you talk your missus into letting you go Dave?”

Dave replied, last night I came home and slumped down in my chair with a beer to drown my sorrows thinking how much I wanted to go fishing. Then the ol’lady snuck up behind me and covered my eyes and said, “Surprise”.

When I peeled her hands back she was standing there in a beautiful see through negligee and she said, “Carry me into the bedroom and tie me to the bed and you can do whatever you want”.SO I DID AND HERE I AM!

You know your getting older when Happy Hour is a nap

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

I'm a mentor?

So, I’ve been talking with someone that I met through OKCupid recently. It turns out that we are both dominants, and as inexperienced as I am, I have a larger knowledge base in kinky stuff and BDSM than she does. She has, therefore, been picking my brain with any question that she has about the lifestyle, and I’d say that I have become a mentor to her. This is particularly strange because we have yet to meet in person.

Ah, life is strange, is it not?


Black leather. I’ve been loving The Wing Leather Harness over on Zana’s [Garbage Dress] Etsy page. I think it would look great with the Elizabeth shoes by Bakers and the Event Bat, found at The Pleasure Chest.

I still think it is insane that everything in fashion these days looks like it has been lifted from a recent Belladonna production. I’m not complaining, having a greater selection is a treat but it is still so puzzling.

Harness $140, Shoes $99.95, Event Bat $29.95

Monday, 14 September 2009

MfM: Seasons + extraterrestrial

Ada wrote a lovely MfM today on the topic of Seasons. I didn’t feel comfortable writing the introduction to such a warm piece so I asked her what to say. She told me:

Just say: “I wrote this in memory of my husband of almost eleven years, who died at age 40.”

So many seasons with him. Seasons of courtship in the fall – helping him buy his first winter coat, gloves, boots, and scarf. Knitting him another scarf for Christmas.

At the same time, learning each others’ bodies. When I took his virginity, I wouldn’t tie him up. I thought that would be bad symbolism for our partnership. But he was tied up when he proposed and I said “Yes”.

Then our first spring, when I moved in with him. He said he would try to take my birthday off work. Then he said he hadn’t been able to do so, but on my birthday he surprised me with a trip to an amusement park – because he’d gotten the day off all along.

In the summer, I got a job to pay for our wedding expenses. Everyone knew my parents wouldn’t be able to pay for it.

Then came fall again, and we were married one year after our first phone call. We went to New Orleans for the honeymoon, and he took me to the space museum in Huntsville, Alabama on the way home.

There are other seasons in my tale, seasons of illness and moving, children and, but I shall save them for another day.


I couldn’t think of anything to write for this weeks topic, I’m trying to get back to being a university student and such. Work is light so far but I’m still worried about not getting things done and I think that is throwing me off a little. Also…Ada’s visit this Friday is making me feel all wonderful and nervous and such. Oh yes, if you have suggestions for things we should do while she is here you should let us know. ANNNYYYYWAYYYY last Thursday was my first day of class so I missed last weeks and I did plan to do a response to Ada’s MfM

I wake suddenly, trying to sit up, only finding myself bound. I snap fully awake and my eyes finally focus on a horrifying scene in front o fme. A large…..lovecraftian…..thing…has bound my love to a metal slab in the middle of the room. My heart stops for a moment as it behings sliding its tentacles into her pussy. I fight against the bonds around me, but they don’t give. Its sliding into her ass now, lifting her off the slab to do so. Goddamn I shouldn’t be aroused by my love getting abused like that but I can’t help it and feel myself hardening. A thin tentacle wraps around me cock and begins stroking it. I wimper, hating the touch but unable to deny how it feels. I hear Ada gasp “All yours, darling,” as the creature forces her to orgasm and my response is lost as her love for me even at a time like this pushes me over the edge and I climax with her despite the distance separatingus.


Not nearly as good as hers, but I hope she (and you) enjoy it.

Friday, 11 September 2009

First Challenge - Part 2

Still an having an audio-share failure. If you are interested in the audio files e-mail me.


This was recorded between parts 2 and 3 of the challenge.


Okay, so I just finished part two of the challenge and like part one I was able to calm down reasonably quickly afterwards. I think the main difference for me in part two was how to get myself into it and what I was thinking about. In part one umm, I guess visuals sensations were very male, I reached a point where I really really wanted to feel penetration and sensations thoughts really gravitated towards a very strong dominant male partners. And then when I didn’t let myself climax I was disappointed and frustrated… and sort of thought – well screw it, don’t want to do this anymore, this is boring, lets just get the hell out of here and get on with it.

And well this is a challenge so I did promise I would not quit, which I haven’t. So part two was very female focused. Umm rather than focusing on male sensations on penetration, on strength, the visuals and sensations were completely female. Softness, playing, being toyed with in a way that I think that women do with each other but not necessarily with men and men certainly don’t do with women. Ummm, the visuals and what I was thinking about were entirely focused on the clit not on penetration or vaginal activity.

And I guess coming out of it I feel a lot calmer, no I didn’t reach climax. I guess my experience with men has sort of been once they’re done they’re done, they need to recharge and if they didn’t manage to take care of me in that time then it’s not going to happen. Whereas with women it has been a continuous play a continuous give and take so when I mastrubate and don’t come to climax, if I’m thinking of a woman the natural assumption is that it’s going to continue in a little while. Even though I’m calm now that it can continue.

I have no idea if this rambling makes sense. Ummm and I suppose I owe some apologies to the boys out there. But I am bisexual so I do bat for both teams, so this one goes out to the ladies I suppose. Ahh, yeah. Anyways last round coming up. Your Girl.


The Art of Play, Part 1: Building Relationships

So when I have had an intense, fulfilling play session, my first thought (after taking care of the sub’s needs) is to think about what had just happened.  What thing clicked that made this play session so special?

For me, it is an easy question to answer: it was the relationship I built with the sub during our play session.  Even when i have engaged in casual play, there have been times when we established a deep between Dom and sub.  And this connection is no less intense than ones I have had with people I already knew and ones with whom I was having a relationship.  It is, however, easier to make that kind of connection with those whom I know well.  So what is that essence that makes that connection possible.

In a word: trust.

In any type of play, there needs to be a certain level of trust. This is especially true for the sub.  The Dom will do their own thing.  But the Dom has to have the trust of the sub, or there can be no trust and, in turn, no intensity.   And the Dom must not only work to earn that trust; they must also work to maintain it.  Lose it, and you will be hard-pressed to win it back.

Like all people, I have won and lost trust many times over a lifetime.  It is a part of the learning process.  But in those times I have lost someone’s trust, I have learned what it is that needs work in me.  And when I have lost trust in someone else, I know what qualities I need to look for before allowing myself to put my trust in someone else.  It is a very, very long journey.  But it is ultimately an extremely worthwhile one.  Like the artist honing their skills, those of us who love to play need to look into ourselves and others to find what it is we need for our art to flourish.

Now I have been around for over 50 years, and I have been in the lifestyle for forty percent of that time.  I have been in many relationships, played with many different people, and tried many different things.  But in all those relationships, in all those the times I have played with someone, and in all those times I have tried something different, the one thing that made them special was the connection I had with the other person.  And that connection’s cornerstone was always–always, always, always–the trust that was built between myself and my partner.  Indeed, I think of every person I play with as my partner, and I try to treat them with the consideration, care and respect that a partner deserves.

And when I finally find that partner who will be with me for the rest of my life–the one who with trust me and whom I will trust until the end of days–I know that the art we will build together will be magnificent.


Wednesday, 9 September 2009

This Week in Kink - A New Podcast

I have been listening to This Week in Kink, a new kink/bdsm oriented podcast.  It seems more towards general bdsm than straight out kink though.  JohnBaku and tonja along with other invited guests talk about some of the topics brought up in the groups on FetLife. I have been listening to all of the episodes  (5 so far) and have enjoyed them greatly.  They are slowly starting out, and the production quality is good. My sole critique is that they are heavily Male Dom-fem sub oriented.  I would love to hear some Fem Doms on their show.

They podcast is modeled after another of my favorite podcasts, Twit (this week in tech). The format is simple, a round table discussing anything from hotdogs and begging (don’t ask, just listen to episode #4), first time BDSM experiences, to advice for newbies. I look forward to this in my podcatcher each week, and usually listen while I am at work (got to listen to it on the drive to work this week, that made the morning meeting much more enjoyable).

Anyway, I have enjoyed it greatly and hope they keep up the good work.  Please check it out yourself and let me know what you think.

If you want to subscribe, copy this link: feed://



Plenty of Time for Spanking

My brother is going back to Arizona. It will be so weird not having anyone else in the house. I mean, I have the dogs to keep me company but….

Thursday he heads back home. We won’t see each other till Thanksgiving, which sucks but that’s life.

Did I mention [no I didn't] he’s been working on his relationship issues and they are back together now. His fiancee has agreed to have the baby. She was just scared to raise it alone since he was thinking of reentering the Army. He’s headed back to Arizona because two great law enforcement job offers just came his way. I’m praying he gets one of them so that he can feel good about himself again.

All of these changes mean ONE thing: There’s now PLENTY of time for spanking. Sir has agreed to continue to discipline me. Even though I’m not moving in with him, because of my dogs, he’s agreed to help me stay on track.

I’m not Catholic but I feel like I’ve been to Confession. This morning I wrote Sir a long email detailing where I know I’ve screwed up…[I write Sir quite often] Of course, later when I’m being punished for the “sins”  that I’ve revealed, I wonder what makes me so “loose lipped”.

Friday is the day: No more postponements, no more lame excuses, no more talking myself out of it. Friday is the day I will have to face my Disciplinarian whether I like it or not. Waiting for Friday to arrive feels like being sent up to my room to wait for Dad to come home from work and “deal with me”. Your father will deal with you later, young lady!

While I do like spanking and rarely “need” a reason to be spanked hard, punishment spankings SUCK! I can take a two hour long spanking. I can take a 30 minute intense spanking. But I have a hard time taking a punishment spanking because I know that I’ve let Sir down.

Not only did I let Him down, I bought this very effective implement that I’m sure he’s going to use extensively. Why did I buy it? Funny, I’m reminded of the part in Liar, Liar where Jim Carrey’s character asks, “Why is this happening to me?” and the honest side of him answers, “I’m getting what I deserve, I’m reeping what I sow!” Hmmm…note to self, think of that when I’m sobbing in the torture room.

But wait, there’s more! Every so often, I have an implement binge where I think that I need to own every cool looking, pain metting, butt blistering implement on the market. Yesterday was just such a day…

Cane-iac is my friend. You can stretch your dollar soooooo far by shopping there. I own several items from them already and ALL of them have lived up to their descriptions. Here’s what I bought:

1. The Wonder SR Paddle which is said to cover both cheeks at the same time. Get Ready For the Tears! [is what the description says]

2. The Screamer SR Paddle the title about sums it up. It’s Acrylic and this will be my first experience with Acrylic.

3. The Tortured Arist’s Wormwood Rubber Paddle said to make crybabies out of even the strongest bottoms.

4. Natural Willow OTK Bundle I imagine this will be like a switching times one hundred. Said to petrify the strongest bottoms.

You notice I never buy the innocent looking things? I always have to buy things that use words in their descriptions like: severe, crybaby, petrify, loathe, etc…
